GmBt Life = Aleksi Makela + Timo Zwandun + Nabim Fieev
GmBt Life is a French based three man band.
Aleksi, Timo and Nabim are long time mates however live in various regions. They routinely meet to play music.
They like to begin with bare melodies and then improvise with different intruments and PCs. That is the way they make songs or bits of music that they attempt to record rapidly.
Aleksi and Nabim are multi instrumentalists while Timo likes to mess around with all sort of melodic things even if he doesn't kwow how to do it.
The band intend to release an EP in 2020, and an album in 2021. On the off chance it goes well they will play it live.
In any case they would lean toward not to say much regarding themselves, and might prefer people to focus just on the music.
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